Monday 31 August 2015

Eating junk and unhealthy food will lead to obesity and other chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, heart diseases and diabetic. But people still choose those types of junk food over thousands of  healthy and nutritious foods? Why??

There are several factors that lead to this matter.

Busy schedule

Healthy foods such as vegetables and meat take time and kitchen equipment to cook properly, while fast food such as hamburgers are usually served within minutes of ordering.  Nevertheless, that convenience becomes a habit to a busy  people with a packed timetable.

Lack of knowledge about what is healthy to eat

This is also one of the reasons why people choose bad foods. They don't have the knowledge. They are not being exposed on the effects of consuming unhealthy foods continuously.

Too Expensive

Healthy food in the restaurant is expensive. No doubt on it. We have to agree with it. People will choose the food that is cheap and tasty. Then, fast food have those criteria!

Below is the finding graph of survey conducted by Pew Research Center (2009) on why American eat so much junk food:

Both groups agree that convenience is the biggest reason for America’s junk food habit


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