Monday 31 August 2015

How to eat healthy food? If you ask me, I would answer 'be healthy'. Its easier said than done. But believe me, small changes can make a big difference to your health. Start now!

Full your plate with fruits and vegetables.

How it works? Well, like this. If you go to a restaurant for a lunch, make sure 2/3 of your portion is vegetables and fruits. 

Examples of the picture below, there are only small portion of rice but large quantity of green vegetables. 
Rice with vegetables. Photo from

The more colorful you make your plate, the more likely you are to get the vitamins, minerals, and fiber your body needs to be healthy

Switch to Full-Grain Food.

For example, eat whole-wheat bread instead of white bread .Studies show that eating whole grains instead of refined grains lowers the risk of many chronic diseases.

Example of whole-grain food. Photo by

Switch to fat-free or low-fat (1%) milk

Both have the same amount of calcium and other essential nutrients as whole milk, but fewer calories and less saturated fat.

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Drink plain water instead of sugary drinks

Soda, energy drinks, and sports drinks are a major source of added sugar and calories in American diets. Try adding a slice of lemon, lime, or watermelon or a splash of 100% juice to your glass of water if you want some flavor

Benefits of plain water.
Photo from

These are some tips on eating healthy foods. Start from now. That is never too late.

Thank you :)


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