Monday 31 August 2015

Level 1 of Food Pyramid. Photo from

What's In It?

The bottom level of the food pyramid consists of bread, cereal, rice and pasta.

Complex Carbohydrate

What Should I Eat?

You should consume 6-11 servings from this bottom level. When selecting your bread, make sure that it is whole grain and as natural as possible. A good way to select bread is to avoid products that show high fructose corn syrup as one of the first 5 ingredients. Ideally, bread should have as few ingredients as possible to be truly natural.

How Much Is a Serving? 

One serving from this bottom level constitutes a single slice of bread, 1 oz. of dry cereal and 1/2 cup of heated cereal, rice or pasta. Consuming 6-11 servings from this level of the pyramid should be quite simple during the day. If you eat 2 slices of toast and a bowl of cereal during breakfast, you have already fulfilled half of your bottom level requirement for the day.

Next, we will be discussing about level 2 in food pyramid.
See you in next post!


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