Monday 24 August 2015

Hye, Assalamualaikum everyone! J How are you? I hope that you guys are doing well with your beloved family and friends!

I am Ahmad Nizar Bin Azham, semester 5 of Diploma in English Communication student from Kolej Professional Mara Indera Mahkota.

I create this blog as the demands for assestment in Digital and Mobile Communication subject ITE3563 as I have been assigned to do an assignment on this subject. There is no theme decided by the lecturer, I decided to choose “Health and Food” to be my overall discussion.

The objective of this blog is;

  • ·  To advocate the readers on the relationship between food and health and its importance
  • · To inform the people about food pyramid and its example
  • · To tell the readers on the examples of good and bad foods


Have you eat your breakfast today? If no, after this you shouldn’t skip your breakfast anymore. Have you ever heard phrase Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper?. Without further yammer, I want to ask you one question, have you ever wondering that does your food that you eat daily is healthy? And how its affect your health?

Example of healthy food. 

 First of all, what is healthy food? Based on Washington State Department of Health stated a long definition for healthy food which are a healthy food is a plant or animal product that provides essential nutrients and energy to sustain growth, health and life while satiating hunger. 

Then, healthy foods are usually fresh or minimally processed foods, naturally dense in nutrients, that when eaten in moderation and in combination with other foods, sustain growth, repair and maintain vital processes, promote longevity, reduce disease, and strengthen and maintain the body and its functions. 

Lastly, healthy foods do not contain ingredients that contribute to disease or impede recovery when consumed at normal levels. 

I really hope that you guys get a clear picture of what healthy food is. See you in next post. Stay tuned!

Does these type of food is healthy? 


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